Sunday, December 28, 2008

What an awesome day this is starting to be!

What an awesome sermon today at church! I try to never miss a day when Carson is preaching. He is such an outstanding Pastor! What better day could it be, to be in a country where we could go and worship God and be so so blessed by His word without fear of prosecution or violence. That in itself is a true blessing and a gift from God. Anyway, I didn't get to see all my favorite kids a church today because the sermon ran over a little. And by the time I got to the foyer a lot of the kids were already gone. I got to visit with Austin though, he's a real nice young man. He was telling what he got for Christmas. I love being a positive influence on all the kids at church. I am sure glad God is using me. I wish I could have brought 4 or 5 of them home with me, but there wasn't a lot at church today. I would love to just fill up the house with kids and squeeze 'em hard with big giant hugs till they beg me to let 'em go. I just love them all! I am sure their parents wouldn't let me keep them-DARN! Maybe I'll just borrow them real often! LOL! Well, until next time...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day '08

Well another day of Christmas celebration has come and gone. I will sleep in someday. I got up at 6:00, couldn't sleep. I actually did pretty well this year. I got a really nice throw blanket. It has sheepskin on one side and suede on the other. Super toasty! I also got a stainless spice rack with a variety of spices. It is really nice! Not a cheapy here. I asked for a long sleeve night gown, but I got a short sleeve instead. That's ok though, because it's really nice and I like it.

Keith got a new 3/8 drill,a cordless screwdriver and a Shiatsu neck massager. He made out pretty good.

Nick didn't get the Playstation 3 that he wanted but he did get a new IPOD Nano. He loves it and would like it better if we could download music to it! UUUUGGH! I can't figure it out! Darn fangled new techy stuff! Oh well, I am sure we will find someone to help us.

We went to see my parents around 11:00 a.m. It went rather well except as we were leaving the driveway I realized my wallet is MISSING! OMG! I hope it is turned in at Walmart. That is the last place I remember having it. So much for a peaceful christmas morn.

My mom got her digital keychain and new ceramic heater. Boy! Did she need the heater, that house has more holes than swiss cheese! I didn't get my dad anything. I can never decide on what to get him. I guess he will have to share the heater. My mom also got a "grandmother" locket from Nick. She really liked that because it was from her grandson. It could've been a stick and she would've love it as long as it was from Nick.

After there we went to the inlaws. It went well except we were supposed to eat there, and when we arrived they already ate and were putting the food away! What is up with that! I made them get it out again. I was hungry! We stayed till about 7 then came home. Whew what a long day! I am glad to finally be home!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

a fun day of friends and family.

We had a wonderful day yesterday! We had Terissa over, we went shopping at Walmart, dinner at Subway, (we saw some of our friends in Walmart,the Rozalski's,which is always great!) and an ice storm all in one day. How much better can it get? I LOVE Christmas vacation! I don't get paid for all my days off, but I do get paid for a few, which is more than I can say for some people! I have got to play Tomb Raider with my son, as co-pilot,which is awesome. We love to video game together. When other kids come over they can't believe I play video games and tell them to crank up the t.v. volume! The louder the better. Yep, just an overgrown kid. I also like to play Burnout and Shadow of Rome(among others).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

getting ready for christmas

Why is it nothing goes as anticipated? I have had an idea what I wanted this Christmas to be all year and it is NOT gonna be what I thought! I thought we would go to my mother's like I have done for 17+ yrs. Well, I will be going but nobody will be there! That's lousy. We have always had a house full, not any longer. Just Mom and Dad. The Christmas spirit is totally missing down there. Since my brother died, it has never been the same. Then after my parents, we are off to my in-laws. My husband tells me last night his Dad said to come and see his mother because they think she won't be around very much longer. What! That is not what I want to hear before Christmas! And like always I know what I am getting before Christmas. My husband sucks in the surprise department. Sometimes I even have to pick out my own gifts and he just has my son wrap it up. What the heck is that all about! Anyway. That is what we are doing to get ready for Christmas. I hope it gets better.