Wednesday, December 24, 2008

a fun day of friends and family.

We had a wonderful day yesterday! We had Terissa over, we went shopping at Walmart, dinner at Subway, (we saw some of our friends in Walmart,the Rozalski's,which is always great!) and an ice storm all in one day. How much better can it get? I LOVE Christmas vacation! I don't get paid for all my days off, but I do get paid for a few, which is more than I can say for some people! I have got to play Tomb Raider with my son, as co-pilot,which is awesome. We love to video game together. When other kids come over they can't believe I play video games and tell them to crank up the t.v. volume! The louder the better. Yep, just an overgrown kid. I also like to play Burnout and Shadow of Rome(among others).

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