Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A lull in the drama.

Well here we are at the last week of February already.What a month it has been! Tonight is youth group and I am glad to be going. Nick has been really sick with a sinus cold and today is his first day back to school. I don't know if he's going to youth group or not. I hope he does, for selfish reasons, he is such a big help to me! On the other hand though, I don't want to spread the cold virus around church. I will have to check him out when I get home. Had a board meeting last Sunday that lasted over 3hrs. So between church for 3 1/2 hrs and board meeting for another 3hrs, then home for 2hrs and back for Nick to be usher at 6! I don't like those days that I am not home at all. So much for Sunday being a day of rest. We have to be in all church services which is very demanding! I can't give up being a youth leader though, I believe that's where God has called me to be. Things at the school are in limbo. I am working with the union to get me through this whole mess. The only thing keeping my sanity is that I know I was right and that these people are lost and I must forgive them for behaving the way they do. God bless my bus aide who really rallies to my aid all the time. she gets fired up in my defense. Whoohoo! Go Becky! Keith has been taking his medicine which also is helping tremendously. When he doesn't take that anxiety medicine-Whew! Look out! Also, my Newfoundland is now shedding, my house looks like the land of the black shag carpet. Yuck! I could sweep three times a day! I guess I will be brushing her this weekend. That's all for now, see ya next week.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's getting quieter!

Since we last spoke, things have been a little quieter. This tells me that I was right about my suspicions as to who was behind the whole latest scandals. It is all spiritual warfare, I know that. I have prayed over the bus and anointed it with oil, so I think it has to change something! Last Sunday, I had set up for youth group after church service. I do not like doing set up, just because no one ever shows up to help. So this time, I tried doing it right after church so maybe I could round up a few helpers --I got one, (besides me and Nick) Wow! That means about 1 1/2 hours of works ahead of me. UUGGGh! So my son, Seth and me got busy. First I found out my fridge was turned all the way up and the pop exploded all over. Yuck! Then Nick and Seth were doing a lot of stuff and I was cleaning bathrooms, and setting up chairs, etc. and my husband.......was sitting with his feet up taking it all in. We were getting VERY irritated! Did he ask us if we needed help- NO! Never got up at all except to get himself a drink! Well, didn't take long for things to get very heated on the way home. It was the first time my son ever let loose on my husband for yelling at me. Nick has never come to my rescue before and I didn't stop him. Not that I encourage yelling at adults, but when Keith deserves it, I welcomed someone else on my side. He usually yells at me and Nick just gets upset. I guess he had enough. So, we had a horrible start to our week. Things could not have gotten any worse. As the week went on they did start to improve. But now my husband refuses to go to church again. He needs to go! Anyway, the bus route has cooled down, things between Nick and Keith are quiet, but ok and today, I finally got groceries for the first time in over a month. We have been getting only the minimum for weeks now. That really makes it hard to keep dinner on the table. Then came the wind storm on Thursday. We had a two hour delay from school and when we went out to get in the car for work, my windshield was smashed! Guess I am not driving to work today! I jumped on the phone and said "someone come pick me up!" Thank God I live 3 miles from work. Well 312.00$ later, I have a new windsheild. Insurance only paid 62.00 so I was stuck with the rest! UUUUUGH! Then came Friday. I found out that the same person who has been starting stuff in the community with my bus route, is now accusing me of being "sick" because I try to reach kids on myspace. NOT that I owe her an explanation, but, for general knowledge, I will tell the reason behind getting on myspace. If you want to reach unsaved kids and tell them about Jesus, you have to go where the kids are. And where are the kids? ON MYSPACE!!!!! Jesus went to the prostitutes, the Lepers, and the drunks to find and save them. If I only talked to saved kids then what am I doing to spread the gospel to the lost? Duh!!! Well, That's my whole motive in a short version. If that makes me "sick" then I guess I am. My Friday ended well with someone telling me that we had no school on Monday! Whoohoo! I didn't even know. and boy did I need an extra day off! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

How much more is a person supposed to take!

Well where do I begin? What a week it has been. a week from Hell! I have had one or two complaints on my school bus driving skills EVERYDAY since my last post. I have evidently made someone very mad. They are making it a community effort, collaborating amongst all the neighbors, making stuff up from the deepest recesses of their imaginations. I have had teens calling from the back of the bus and parents calling after every morning coffee. Thank God my reputation of being the strictest bus driver at Edgewood School has saved my butt! I have had about enough of the false accusations! As my wise friend at church reminded me that, "no weapon formed against me shall prosper", as I am a child of the almighty God! I have had more stress this week than any human should have to endure. I think I have added 500 new gray hairs! I guess I will make it , but, good Lord why do I have to go through this every couple of years? I don't know why, but I do know I don't like it!!! I came so close to quitting on Wednesday, that one more negative comment would have pushed me over the edge! Too many people with to much access, and to many phone numbers to call. Half of these complaints were totally conjured up! Like, I turn on the air conditioning! Get real! I don't even have air conditioning!!! All I can say is, we are held accountable for all our actions. I will trust the Lord to handle this and deliver me from my struggles!