Saturday, February 7, 2009

How much more is a person supposed to take!

Well where do I begin? What a week it has been. a week from Hell! I have had one or two complaints on my school bus driving skills EVERYDAY since my last post. I have evidently made someone very mad. They are making it a community effort, collaborating amongst all the neighbors, making stuff up from the deepest recesses of their imaginations. I have had teens calling from the back of the bus and parents calling after every morning coffee. Thank God my reputation of being the strictest bus driver at Edgewood School has saved my butt! I have had about enough of the false accusations! As my wise friend at church reminded me that, "no weapon formed against me shall prosper", as I am a child of the almighty God! I have had more stress this week than any human should have to endure. I think I have added 500 new gray hairs! I guess I will make it , but, good Lord why do I have to go through this every couple of years? I don't know why, but I do know I don't like it!!! I came so close to quitting on Wednesday, that one more negative comment would have pushed me over the edge! Too many people with to much access, and to many phone numbers to call. Half of these complaints were totally conjured up! Like, I turn on the air conditioning! Get real! I don't even have air conditioning!!! All I can say is, we are held accountable for all our actions. I will trust the Lord to handle this and deliver me from my struggles!

1 comment:

  1. OH NO!! How horrible for you Rhonda!! I'm SO sorry this is STILL happening!! ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I hope it stops soon!! I know your a wonderful bus driver!! Stay strong and true to yourself!
