Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blissful , God blessed April!

Thank you God for the break from all my previous months drama that I endured! I know it has been a while since I wrote. I will try to catch up.
Well, the family that was accusing me of draggin' there child up the stairs of my bus was proven wrong-thank you video tape! The student whose parents are suing the school over me has returned to riding the bus again. This is good, I did kind a miss him. My sister-in-law has moved in temporarily until the closing on her house is finalized. This was ok 'till she started running the roads at night and trapezing in all hours of the night! I locked her out last week one day when she left at 9:40 pm. I waited up till 11:30 and still she had not returned! I lost two hours sleep over this! Put a stop to that real quick! Had to give her a lecture on the proper behavior of a mature adult speech. Haven't had a problem since. She is only here until the end of the month. I thank goodness. I don't think my prudent lifestyle fits her agenda. On another note; I got my turkey for Easter Sunday. This time I got an extra turkey breast besides the turkey so I would have lots of extra to make leftovers. Usually the breast is the first thing gone. Then I am trying to figure out what to make with the leftovers and no turkey to add with them. So this should be much better. Also, since the last posting, I got home from my grandma's funeral on a wed.,went to the doctor on Thursday because I was sick with a fever, and when I got home, let the dogs out and walked in the house, I turned around to let my doggies back in and dogs to be found.
Where did they go?
I search all over. Hollering and hollering.......
then I heard dogs barking from a distance....I thought...."is that MY dogs?"
I walked towards the sound.
As I peered over the bank of the hill in my neighbors yard, I saw my 1yr old pup Rover tossing my cat of 9yrs. into the air like a rag doll.Then as he landed on the ground he crushed his chest in his jaws like a paper cup in a garbage compactor over and over and over.......
I yelled "Rover stop that!" "Get away from him!" But he just kept squeezing his chest in his jaws, totally ignoring my words.
As I ran down the embankment and towards Rollie( that's my cat's name)I scooped his lifeless body up in my arms only to have him look me in the eye and take his last breath........
The barking I had heard was my Newfoundland barking as she over stood Rover as he murdered my pet of many years. I brought Rollie up the ill and my husband rounded he shed towards me. I said "Rover just killed Rollie". He was so mad! He was the one who picked Rollie out from the pound and bought him. He had never bought a pet before. He loved this cat. I will not say what he did to Rover. He now is sentenced to a life at the end of a chain and sleeping in a much cooler than in the house, dog house. I lost my grandmother and my cat in one week. Not a good week.
On a lighter note; I got our income tax refund back and my husband let me get a new washer, new couch and a new floor scrubber machine for hard floors! My couch had been a 10.00$ couch from the Salvation Army, so I was thrilled! The washer I had was a piece of junk Frigidaire. I will stay away from that brand! The floor scrubber is the Hoover floormate. I LOVE it! It sweeps the floor, then scrubs the floor, then dries the floor in one pass! It hate mopping floors and this baby lets me mop all my floors in the same time as it would take me to do 1! Hallelujah!!!
Well, I guess that's enough for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your kitty. I can't imagine watching my dog kill my cat. I would have gotten rid of the dog. I love my kitties very much, I think more then dogs so I wouldn't have been able to even look at the dog. Poor kitty. :(

    Hey, are you doing a garden this year? Want to can together this year? I will be starting my garden here really soon!
