Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Peaceful Easter break

Well here I am enjoying a peaceful and event less break. I am finally getting all my laundry done. Note to self: don't leave the laundry chore to your husband and teenage son anymore! If I haven't done 15 loads so far, I'd be lying! They just push away what they don't want to wash and wash only their own clothes. What's up with that! Anyway, yesterday was real quiet, almost boring. No one comes over. Don't know why. I guess we are to prudent or maybe we smell or something. IDK. I haven't gone anywhere for two days so far. After church Sunday I noticed someone smashed into my truck and left! Now I got a big 'ol dent in my fender and a broken tail light! Who gives these people drivers licenses anyway? My insurance said they would fix it, oh yeah for a 250.00$ deductible!,but that doesn't make it any nicer. My son is bored to death. Of course he can't go outside since it has been a spring blizzard! I'm sure God has a reason for all this snow, but I haven't figured it out yet. Good thing Nick isn't home 24-7 or he would eat me out of house and home! I swear he ate a whole loaf of bread yesterday! Little oinker.(jk) Have been thinking about Youth Camp. Not sure if I want to work all 3 or just two. 3 camps are really emotionally draining! Besides the kids last year were absolutely carnivorous (vv-vv)-grrrrr! at senior camp. Note: to anyone sending their teen to senior camp-make sure they are mature enough and emotionally ready to endure all the high school drama, backbiting, and disrespectfullness that goes on. Seriously, don't let your kids choose which camp they go to! Pick it for them based on maturity level-PLEASE! Whew! They are down right mean!!!! Last year I swore I would NEVER do senior again! I cried and cried and cried. It was horrible! Well enough reminiscing for now. I love camp even though I had a few rough experiences. The overall God experiences make up for it. I am going to youth group tonight. I hope it is great. We are dressing up as army because we are in spiritual warfare. it's kinda cool.

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