Friday, May 1, 2009

The Newfoundland drama.....

For those of you who don't know, I have a registered Newfoundland dog. I purchased her in February of '09. On Easter Sunday, I had a free moment so I sent the seller an email as to why I have not yet received my registration papers. The next day I get a reply. "You aren't getting the papers because I am holding them to protect my interest" she said. Then she called me "mentally and emotionally unstable". WHAT! I paid ***.00$ for that dog and I demand I get my papers! Needless to say, I was not happy! I contacted AKC and they referred me to the Attorney General's office for Pet buyers. They were very helpful. I didn't know they will act as a free mediator in disputes such as this. Cool!
I received an update the other day.They have reviewed my case and have notified the seller as to the complaint. She has so many days to respond then the Attorney general tries to find a solution. If that don't work, here comes small claims court! I have a right to my registration papers! I told her "don't make me pursue this!" I don't think she really knew who she was dealing with. I will update more on this later I am sure.

Spare room is a spare again.

Well I got home from church and groceries today and found out my boarder had moved out. Left me a note like a cheap date! How do ya like that? No previous warning what-so-ever. I had let her stay here 'till her house deal was closed. We thought that would be April 24 th but, the deed was messed up when it arrived at the title office. Now it is backed up to May 5 th. Probably just as well. Keith and her fought like cats and dogs! He did not like the fact that she gets disability for being bipolar. I don't get upset about it, because I can't do anything about it and don't want to waste my breath. some things you don't like but it ain't worth getting gray hair over. Now we only have two of four bedrooms occupied again. Who knows what will come up next.

Breakin' the bus

As I drove this morning on another day of school bus driving bliss, I was going over Rt. 90 when all of a sudden...CLANG DIDDY CLANG DIDDY CLANG!!!!!
What the heck was that? I stopped right away and checked the bus. Hmmmmm.....can't see anything. Maybe I can't see cause it is raining cats and dogs! Now I am soaked. Yum.... I got back in the bus and called the garage right away. Should I drive it? I asked. "Yeah, just if you hear anything let us know and we will bring you a spare." (......don't know if I agree with that but, I will do as I am told). I was at the end of the route. After dropping off the kids, I went to fuel. I decided to reexamine the bus undercarriage. I see two broken tailpipe clamps. big deal right? I called the guys,they said "ok." Well, after careful examination in my absence, I have broken a front leaf spring! Not drivin' that bus for a while! They actually found it later lying in the road! In the midst of fixing that, they discover my shocks are bad,.......and my alternator.......and my spring shackles! Is there anything else you want to add to the list? Well, it took about four or five days before I got my precious #9 back. Meanwhile I get to drive lovely #11. I remember driving #11 oh about 10 yrs. AGO!!!!!!! What a beater!
It drove like a tank. You had to push so hard on the accelerator that my knee started to swell! I had to make about 400 pushes a day or so on that stupid gas pedal and my knee let me know it didn't like it! Thank God for Advil! I was so happy when I got #9 back that I thought I was in a Mercedes! I guess you really don't appreciate what you got until it's taken away.