Saturday, January 10, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Here we are on a beautiful snowy day and no particular place to go(thank god!) so let it snow -right? Well if you know me at all,- I love snow! I can't stand hot weather. I should've been an Eskimo! I was woke up at 6:45 today by my outside cat named Oreo. I had let him stay in last night because I felt sorry for him and I thought he might be cold,well....I woke up to the sound of him puking on my carpeted floor. Ahhhh, the warm stench of cat puke in the mornin'!(NOT!) After cleaning that up and returning to bed, I am awoke to the sound of my other cat Rollie trying to fill the litter box and he must have been constipated. Every 5 minutes it was another scratching/digging session and another round of warm poop smell. YUCK! After all that I said the heck with it and got up! UUUUGGGH!
After a short not-long-enough nap, I decide to plow the driveway. Well, I attempted to put air in the tractor tire and wouldn't ya know no chuck for the air hose! What do men do with these attachments anyway? Keith always takes it off and I swear he puts it in a secret place and its not with the other air tools! So -I drove the tractor with a 50% flat tire. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! If I didn't make a run down through the drive before to long, we could have easily been snowed in. After cleaning out my drive I always do the neighbors. So I limped my way over to the neighbors and I don't think anyone had plowed it since 1987! If there wasn't 16" in their driveway, I'd be a liar. Whew! that stuff was deep! Well, I got it all done anyway-Hallelujah! and I didn't even ruin the tire! I say let the snow keep comin'. I get paid even if we have a snow day so it don't matter to me!

1 comment:

  1. I shoveled all day myself to keep our walkway cleaned off. I don't do our driveway, the neighbor usually does that. Our cats LOVE to go to the bathroom around 5am and scratch FOREVER! I get up and kick the box to make them get out LOL!
