Sunday, January 18, 2009

Never the same.

Well, I have just returned from one of the most awesome , mind blowing ,God filled experiences in my entire life. There are not enough descriptive words to accurately depict the move of God that took place this weekend. I don't even know if I can write it well enough for you to grasp the intensity, the impact, the lives it changed, -it was absolutely worth all the effort, all the time, all the preparation it took for us to get there.
I saw teens falling on their knees and crying out to God to help them stop cutting themselves, stop watching porn, stop there addiction to witchcraft,to restore their self images, to stop believing they are worthless, stop their addictions to alcohol and/or drugs. Kids from 13-18 were raising their hands to God and crying out to Him for deliverance. Praise God! I cried with them ,I prayed with them,I held them as they fell to the floor in their pain and shame and loneliness. Then I saw them be restored and rise again to their feet as a new creature in Christ almighty! Praise God. I saw them throw their razors down at the altar (literally) and get delivered from cutting themselves on a regular basis. My God, what these kids are goin' through everyday? I am so glad God has anointed me for the task of helping them through it to be healed by the best healer in the industry!
I also witnessed the fall of the Holy Spirit on some of our very own teens and they began to speak in tongues! Hallelujah! I wish I could do this work everyday of my life. It is sooo fulfilling! I love doin' God's work! I could eat, sleep and drink Jesus 365!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!! CJ had a blast too, wish Joe would have went but he gets homesick. :( Well, you only have to wait a year to go back, LOL! CJ can't wait either!
