Friday, January 23, 2009

Just chillin' on a Friday night.

Well here we are at the end of another week. No trip to go on, no shopping to do, just relaxing at the ol' pc. I got a really cool Newfoundland Italian charm bracelet today. I LOVE Newfoundlands. My last two were killed in bizarre accidents, so I have been cherishing them in my heart ever since. I called today to see how much it would be to get my dog neutered and WOW! 165-350 bucks! I about fell over. I can't believe these prices. I know exactly what is involved and it don't take no 350 bucks to do it! Makes me disgusted. No wonder people can't afford to get their dogs fixed!
On a lighter note, I finally got my strength back on Thursday. Between being sick and all the stress of pre-trip stuff from last week, I was exhausted! Not to mention that my cat has gone absolutely off the deep end! Every night he meows in this deep meow and wakes everyone up 'till I throw him in the basement! I call him psycho-cat now. He keeps this up and kitty may go for a ride! My dog was making a fuss every night 'till I filled his house with a truck load of straw. Now I don't hear a peep outta him. Thank God for that! I had him in the house but I can't take my eyes off him and he's either on the counter or in my garbage. That's when I said "out ya go buddy!"
No real plans for this weekend. Just stayin' home and cleaning. Getting all the final holiday decor put away. Almost feels like spring with this warmer weather. I know though in the back of my mind that it is several weeks away.
My husband has been very sick this week. He caught the cold that I had last week. Poor guy. I drugged him up and sent him to work again. He feels like he lives their but I am thankful for the job.
Nick was supposed to have a friend over but he never showed up so I guess it's just him and I tonight.I got plenty of housework to keep me busy. I was gone the entire weekend last week so nothing got done. I don't know what this place would look like if I was gone. Heaven help us!

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