Friday, January 2, 2009

Off to a great start!

Happy New Year to all! I am so blessed! Thank God I am not sick on this holiday like I was 1 year ago. I was so deathly ill this time last year with blood poisoning from a tooth infection that I was actually wanting to die! Can you believe it? Well, thank God again, for unanswered prayers.
I have had such a great Christmas and holiday vacation! It has been wonderful. I got several great presents and only new what one of them was before Christmas. Also, I was able to get my new LG Dare phone,which was rated #1 , so I was excited to get it. I was actually eligible to get it 12/7/08 but didn't have the money then. Also, we spent a lot of time with kids coming over and just plain hangin' out. I LOVE that! Just can't get enough of it! Cj and I have become quite the little gaming buddies! We have a lot of fun.
Then today I got an email informing me that my ebay bid on another Dare phone was outbid. Hallelujah! I had accidentally bid on this phone before I got my present Dare phone, at a cheaper price. When I bid on it, I didn't know that my 2yr contract discount through Verizon would actually get me the same phone way much cheaper. So I have been chewing my fingernails waiting for the bid to go over my minimum. Thank God again, that it happened today! Whew! I only had 2 days left! I learned from that mistake.
Another great happening this holiday is that my husband is still employed,despite 1800 layoffs in his company nationwide. And not only is he still employed, but got a .75cent raise! Praise God!
Also, I got the green light to redo the coffee house at church. I love getting new upgrades! I replaced the counter top,tore out the old cheap metal shelves and installed new top of the line shelving from home depot. It totally gave the place a whole new look! Now I have so much more room. I hated the other shelves. They were a lure for all things small and creepy crawly(mice). In fact I found a dead one underneath that was petrified and utterly gross! I made my husband throw that one away! I brought those shelves home and hubby threw them out!!!
The only bump in the road I know of all week, is that my mom's water pump died and they have been out of water for 4 or 5 days. They are 78 yrs old and are having a hard time getting it back on. They don't have the money to hire any help either. Bummer! I wish I could help but what do I know about plumbing? I hope they get it all worked out. Water is one thing we just can't live without!

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